WeOwnTV on BBC NewsHour: #KickEbolaOutOfSierraLeone

WeOwnTV production manager Barmmy Boy and our #KickEbolaOutOfSierra Leone campaign were featured in a BBC News Hour piece last night. Great exposure for their very important work. To learn more about the campaign and to support their efforts please visit: weowntv.org/donate/ebola-campaign/

We need to point out that the reporter mistakingly characterized our scripted public service announcement as a discussion he had with a survivor named Hassan. Hassan was actually played by WeOwnTV Education manager Arthur Pratt. The clip is one of a series that portrays fictional situations with Hassan and his family. The link was clearly labeled as a dramatic piece although it does seem like an honest mistake. Would love to hear what folks think about this in the context of how the Ebola story has been covered by international news media.